Ladies That Build Wealth Together Have More Fun!


I'm in!

Create Financial Independence

Male-constructed financial mumbo jumbo is boring, confusing & unappealing. So you hoard your money or collect debt and move 'paying attention to it' to the bottom of your to-do list.

Instead of stuffing down your guilt over not doing anything with your money or your shame over not knowing what to do, join us in actively building your wealth and aligning your finances with your vision board, the fun & feminine way.

Let's Do it Together


What Happens In The Club


Just like you join a fitness club to keep your body in shape, you need a fiscal fitness club to keep your money in shape and earning more money. 

You're going to:

Heal your money 'traumas' and create a fresh new relationship with your money 

❈ Receive guidance in easy-to-understand language to create a plan that feels safe, exciting, and fun to execute

❈ Create your vision and learn how to find the money to enjoy your life RIGHT NOW and work on your retirement (because we don't want to wait til we're 80 to live)

❈ Learn the Freedom 5 Plan to eliminate debt, manage, invest, and spend money. Know what's important to pay attention to and what's not. 

❈ Play in the Ladies Lounge where the money conversations are flowing. Celebrate your wins as you grow your wealth together!

❈ Join me for LIVE monthly Q+A calls where you can ask me anything that will help you figure out your money stuff once and for all 

❈ Join me for LIVE topic-of-the-month calls for creating new wealth & passive income strategies and more!

It's an ongoing membership for an ongoing constant in your life.
Lady, you've found your tribe!

Yes! I want to be a member!

"I felt lost with my finances. I just received a really great job and was making decent money, but I still felt like I was living paycheck to paycheck. I knew I needed to budget and spend less than my means, however, no matter how hard I worked, I could not get ahead.

I thought I needed accountability, Jamey did more than set me up for financial success — with her guidance she helped me understand my relationship with money. I realized I had unresolved financial trauma from growing up in a financially unstable household. I was so scared of not having enough money that I was living in crippling financial fear. After I understood my relationship with money, I was able to let go of the stress and financial burden I was carrying. This has been much more than a financial journey, but a life-altering experience. I can now see all my basic needs are met. I can save for retirement, take care of my kids, and continuously work towards my life goals without the fear of failure. I cannot thank Jamey enough for helping me build the life I have always dreamed of."


Hello, I'm Jamey 👋


After 23 years of working in the financial services industry, I know how to grow wealth. AND I know how frustrating it can be for women trying to understand an industry designed by men, for men. It can make a busy woman like you, shut down and move "paying attention to my money" to the bottom of your to-do list. 

I haven't always mastered money the way I do now. I grew up with "never enough" speak and welfare vibes. So when I did get a good-paying job, I overcompensated by racking up debt on designer clothes to mask my childhood money shame. After reaching my financial rock bottom (and hopefully I'm catching you before you reach yours - cuz lemme tell you that was embarrassing), I was finally ready to address my yo-yo habit of spending to cover up, then paying off my debt to feel better, only to rack it up again.

I got a PLAN and then I followed and tweaked that plan and I still do today. We women love a plan, and so, I created my FREEDOM 5 plan to share with you what I learned, and what I do, in women's terms

The masculine financial industry ignores our quality of life now, and tends to focus on investments or retirement planning which feels rigid & restrictive and only considers 'later'. Feminine energy wants to play NOW! Women want time off of work, childcare, to hang with girlfriends, to travel, shop, and exercise, and need a more holistic money management system (created by a woman).  

The Fiscal Fitness Club is your place to learn to create wealth, play now, and secure your future, without the anxiety, stress, and confusion around dealing with finances. I'm ready to guide you! 



Money is your life force and it will always be in flow. It's time to nurture it and help it grow.


Yes! I want in the club!

Peek 👀 Inside the Club




Learn my simple method and get into the CEO seat. You'll regain power and manage and invest with ease. Tailored to women by a woman! 

⓵ Money Mentality 

you'll work on healing your relationship with money and thinking about it more like a business

⓶ Operations

you'll learn how to see your money and be in a position to make decisions

⓷ Vision

you'll know how you want to grow it & spend it

⓸ Execution

you'll play & give your money jobs to fund your visions

⓹ Monitor

you'll watch it grow and tweak as needed 



Talk to me LIVE 2x Month


The Ladies Lounge

Never feel alone again! Converse with me and the ladies in our EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE COMMUNITY! We have an app too! 

Ask all your questions and share all your wins. We'll have FUN building wealth together! $$$


"Jamey is very good at knowing how much information I need and never overwhelms me with too many specifics. She has been supportive when I’ve had concerns about the market, and through her Fiscal Fitness Club she has worked with me to develop effective budgeting skills.


Join the Club

Become a Member And Get:

  • Access to the Freedom 5 Training that will set you FREE
  • Access to the Ladies Lounge to Play with Wealth-Builders
  • Live Q+A Calls Each Month with Jamey
  • Live Investment Calls Each Month with Jamey
  • Peace of Mind + Vision Board Realities

Now is the time to invest in your Fiscal Fitness











Should You Join the Club?


You're 'manifesting' money but nothing is happening b/c you're not taking any action - YES!

You need a lifeline when financial words come up that you don't understand - YES!

You don't even know what a stock or a bond is- YES!

You do know what it is, but your knowledge stops there - YES!

You don't know the right savings plan you need in place - YES!

Paying bills is the extent of you 👀 at your money - YES!

You've got no plan for your money and not sure what to do with it - YES!

You're tired of trying to understand what a man is telling you about money - YES!

You're ready to make managing money fun and watch it grow - YES!